Smuggling of Migrants along the Horn of Africa-Europe Migration Route

CRECO is a consortium of governance focused Civil Society actors working in Kenya. Founded in 1998, CRECO is a premiere civil society consortium working in area of Democracy, Citizen Participation and Demand ;Governance Sector CSOs’ Coordination and Strengthening
CRECO distinguishes itself as a voice for pro-people governance and constitutionalism. The Consortium’s work mainly entails the provision of non-partisan information and skills to empower citizens, especially disadvantaged groups, and youth to enable them participate effectively in all governance processes.
CRECO recognizes the need to regularly reposition itself in the constantly changing operating environment to assure continued relevance and responsiveness.

Democracy, Citizen Participation and Demand
The overall objective of the result area is to contribute to increased meaningful and beneficial citizen participation in, and demand for effective pro-people governance

Governance Sector CSOs’ Coordination and Strengthening
The overall objective of this result area is to contribute to enhanced vibrancy, credibility, effectiveness, and sustainability of governance focused CSOs and actors.

Institutional Wellbeing
The overall objective of the result area is to enable CRECO to function optimally and sustainably.

Being the voice of constitutionalism and people-centered governance, CRECO endevours to provide inclusive non-partisan information and skills that empower citizens, especially disadvantaged groups, enabling them to participate effectively and efficiently in all governance processes.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock
Joshua Changwony
Executive Director
Susan Wairimu
Finance Manager
Duncan Maigua
Marketing, Branding & Strategic Communications Officer
Boaz Mugoto
Benjamin Odhiambo
Finance Officer
Alvin Momanyi
Governance Sector Cordination & Strengthening
Huma Resource Officer & Administration Officer