CRECO Interventions during COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya
COVID-19 pandemic as a global phenomenon brought unprecedented health, social, economic and governance challenges all over the world with the kind of devastation it has caused across nations. As a country, Kenya was not exempt from these challenges and in many regards, social and economic rights appear to have taken a bigger proportion of the myriad types of damages that COVID-19 pandemic has continued to leave in its wake wherever it has impacted.
Respect of fundamental human rights and constitutional provisions is critical even in a pandemic and strict adherence to these provisions of the law is the highest indications of the success of a democracy.
CRECO engaged in monitoring of human rights violations in Kenya when the COVID-19 infection was confirmed by the Government in March 2020.

CRECO with support from Trócaire implemented a project titled ‘Monitoring Human Rights Violations
during COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya” with the sole objective of carrying out a survey on documenting
and analyzing human rights violations during COVID-19 pandemic.
The project sought to carry out rapid response on emerging issues and lobby various actors for response/feedback and action.
To achieve this objective, CRECO commissioned a survey on human rights violation in this period and setup a Situation Room as a safe space for reporting incidences of human rights violations.